PRESIDENT, Larry Nelson 412-974-7317 VICE PRESIDENT, Mike Stanton 412-491-1248 SECRETARY TREASURER, Steve Olash 412-660-9137
Our Mission
A 21st Century Commitment to Excellence
The Beaver County Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO is an alliance of craft unions that are the best choice for highly skilled and highly productive construction labor. That’s because the Beaver County Building Trades and its affiliates member unions demonstrates a concerted commitment to world class skills development and training; coupled with a 21st century labor/management model that is founded upon the principles of performance, pride, cooperation and partnership.
We have collectively embraced a new approach founded upon the strength of our being a most valued and trusted business partner. This is the promise and the commitment that we hold dear, and which we extend to our partners in the construction industry… those owners and contractors who want to work with the best.
We live and work here, too.The workers of the Beaver County Building and Construction Trades Council are your parents, your brothers & sisters, your neighbors and your friends. We want what’s best for our community, too! We also are the electricians, painters, plumbers, pipefitters, roofers, cement masons, bricklayers, ironworkers, carpenters laborers, boilermakers, operating engineers and other construction crafts tradespeople who work among you.
We build only the best for our community!